Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Health Status Final

Well, it's been a while but I figure I should write it up for everyone so there's a consistent version.  After the test in February I spent the rest of the month mainly lying in bed and not eating.  I dropped a further 10 lbs until I just went home for the semester.  I continued a gluten free diet, and likely have a Gluten Intolerance, but not Celiac.  I also garnered from some research that I was suffering moderately frequent panic attacks, and started taking St. John's Wort, an antidepressant and sleep aid, which calmed me down enough to function rationally.  Some more research showed what I may have, which is Emetophobia, the fear of vomiting.

Fear of Vomiting is a strange sort of condition, or at least I found it that way because you spend your time worrying you're going to vomit, so you don't eat.  Because you don't eat, you begin to lose a grasp on what familiar and foreign stomach sensations are, so you begin to become afraid that you're going to vomit without the food anyway.  So you're hungry, and terrified.  I spent late January-Mid March living off mostly one meal a day, if not one meal a week at my worst.  I passed out in Champlain's bathroom once, and couldn't walk more than a few hundred feet without needing to stop and sit down to rest and stop being dizzy.  At one point I needed to hand someone my food so I could run over to the wall and lean, and the caf women started commenting that I was so gray looking I might as well be a corpse.

I apologise for the all-over-ness of this recollection, because through this my long term memory is a bit fried, and I tend to remember facts later than when I'm telling them.

Anyways, I finished the semester in good standing with my university, and have decided to commute to Peterborough from my house instead of living in Peterborough.  It allows my girlfriend and I to come up with more money for living together, and lets us assemble more stuff.

Anyways, should be getting back into at least a daily post now.